Scott picks up endorsements

Got three emails from Rick Scott for Governor campaign within one minute: Florida Home Builders Endorse Rick Scott for Governor : “FHBA supports Rick Scott…

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Scott upset his past is questioned

Millionaire Rick Scott is upset that his questionable business past has become an issue in his bid to buy the Republican nomination to be Florida’s…

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McCollum batters Scott in debate

Finally Attorney General Bill McCollum got to swing back at his opponent in the Florida governor’s race, Rick Scott. After months of Scott buying television…

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Scott’s depos sealed

GOP candidate for governor, Rick Scott, has had more than his share of lawsuits and government investigations over the past 15 years—medicare fraud, discrimination and,…

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Rick Scott: Discrimination lawsuit plagues his past

I’ve started my research into GOP governor candidate Rick Scott. The fact his former company Columbia/HCA paid billions in fines, penalties and civil lawsuits for…

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McCollum gets in a few licks, but Scott survives debate

Today’s Spanish-language debate between GOP governor candidates had a few jabs, but no knockout punches. Bill McCollum took a swipe at his opponent Rick Scott’s…

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