Federal judge modifies order on Transocean

U.S. District Judge Keith Ellison issued earlier an injunction stopping all lawsuits against Transocean related the Deepwater Horizon explosion that were filed outside of the…

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BP and Transocean argued before explosion

In a joint hearing held by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Minerals Management Service in Louisiana, Douglas Brown, Transocean’s chief mechanic on the rig,…

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Fighting for Papa Bear

The Deepwater Horizon explosion and the subsequent oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico have gotten oil executives, attorneys and government officials seeing huge dollar…

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Aronberg challenges BP Barbie

State Senator Dave Aronberg, a Democratic candidate for Attorney General, was in town yesterday. He spent part of his day at the Escambia County Emergency…

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Lives lost at Deepwater Horizon

In all the media coverage and the BP spin, we can so easily lose sight that 11 people died in the April 20 explosion at…

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