How would you grade Sean Spicer [podcast]

Yesterday on “Pensacola Speaks,” I asked Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director with the Obama White House and former deputy press secretary in the Clinton administration…

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White House adds Pensacola to TechHire Initiative to train and place locally 200 technology workers by 2020

The White House announced today that Pensacola will be included in the expansion of its TechHire Initiative to 20 cities, states, and rural areas. Mobile,…

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Pensacola Speaks: Newpoint in Pinellas County, New overtime rules

On News Talk 1370 WCOA’s “Pensacola Speaks,” we will discuss two hot topics – charter schools and new rules for overtime pay. New federal regulations…

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Meek: “Leadership isn’t being in Pensacola to see the first drop of oil.”

I spoke yesterday with Congressman Kendrick Meek, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate. Meek was in New York City and had just finished an interview on…

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What is the truth?

From News Journal article (“Chemicals will protect the Gulf, Rep. Miller says”): “Adm. Thad Allen, the commandant of the Coast Guard, said the spill has…

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Meek: Too small to fail

Congressman Kendrick Meek, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, stopped by the IN offices for a few minutes before his meeting with the PNJ editorial…

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Nelson meets with BP CFO

From Nelson (I assume he called the 1-800 number to get the appointment: During a meeting I just had with the CEO of BP I…

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BP Blueprint for Pensacola

After fighting the oil giant for four years, Texas attorney Brent Coon says, “Nobody knows more about BP than we do.” Coon heads Brent Coon…

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Miller wants BP to escrow funds

Congressman Jeff Miller is worried about the impact of cleaning up the BP oil spill will have on local governments that are already operating under…

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White House gets new website

The Obama techie team has been hard at work redesigning the White House website. Check it out – here

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