TPO Agenda for Wednesday

The Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) will hold a public meeting Dec. 10 at 9 a.m., in the Santa Rosa County Commission Chambers, 6495 Caroline St. in Milton.

Action items on the agenda for TPO consideration are as follows:

  • accepting the FY16-20 Florida Department of Transportation Tentative Work Program
  • amending the FY15-19 Transportation Improvement Program to add the ferry landing project
  • amending the FY16-20 Project Priorities for the Pensacola International Airport
    (adding a new priority and re-ranking some existing priorities in FY16; adding a new priority and re-ranking some existing priorities in FY18; moving priority #2 from FY19 to #2 in FY18 with funding changes; moving priority #5 in FY19 to #5 in FY 20 with funding changes; moving priority #6 in FY19 to #4 in FY20 with funding changes; moving #8 from FY19 to #3 in FY18; deleting priority #7 and re-ranking some existing priorities in FY19; funding changes to priority #2 in FY20, moving priority #3 in FY20 to #3 in FY19; moving priority #5 in FY20 to priority #2 in FY19; funding changes to priority #6 in FY20; and re-ranking some existing priorities)
  • supporting ALDOT’s efforts to address local and interstate traffic and proposed bridge location
  • professional services with West Florida Regional Planning Council
  • Escambia County and Santa Rosa County Transportation Disadvantaged service plan updates
  • the Regional Transit Authority feasibility study
  • electing a vice-chair to fill vacancy
  • appointing three members/alternates to the Northwest Florida Regional TPO
  • appointing a member/alternate to the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC)
  • appointing a member to attend the MPOAC Institute
  • the advisory committee survey results
  • a CAC application

Review items include:

  • a draft scope of services for a corridor management plan for West Cervantes Street from North “A” Street to W Street
  • the general planning consultant selection process
  • a draft interlocal agreement for the FL-AL TPO

For a complete agenda, visit

The Florida-Alabama TPO is staffed by the West Florida Regional Planning Council, a not-for-profit organization providing professional planning, coordinating and advisory services to local governments, state and federal agencies to preserve and enhance quality of life in northwest Florida.