UWF tackles dating violence

University of West Florida Wellness Services recently partnered with the UWF Department of Social Work to kick off the Red Flag Campaign for dating violence awareness.

Adopted by more than 200 colleges and universities nationwide, the Red Flag Campaign helps students identify warning signs of dating violence or potentially dangerous behavior in their friends’ relationships. Red flags and posters will be placed around campus as a way to bring awareness to the issue. The campaign also encourages students to speak up and provides tools to address the issue.

The campaign serves as a follow-up to the ongoing It’s On Us national campaign, which began in September 2014 and was adopted by UWF in January. It’s On Us encourages bystanders to intervene during situations in which students may be at risk for sexual assault. Both campaigns seek to create a cultural shift where people feel empowered to actively prevent relationship and sexual violence instead of looking the other way.

Mica Hughes-Harrell, director of Wellness Services, came on “Pensacola Speaks” yesterday to talk about the initiative.