VT MAE gears for hiring with info session Oct. 27

VT MAE is ready to begin its community outreach for subcontractor and those seeking jobs at its aircraft maintenance facility under construction at Pensacola International Airport. The company will host an information session on Friday Oct. 27, at 9 a.m. regarding their current corporate operations, upcoming hiring needs, employment application procedures, and available subcontracting opportunities.

The information session will be held at the Pensacola State College Hagler Auditorium (Building 2), located at 1000 College Blvd. The public will hear from VT MAE President Bill Hafner, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward, Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson, FloridaWest Representative Wendell Smith and Pensacola State President Ed Meadows. Also in attendance will be representatives from VT MAE’s Workforce Development and Procurement departments.

This no-cost event is reserved for subcontractors and individuals seeking employment opportunities with this large-scale project. No RSVP is required to attend; however, space is limited.

For more information, visit vtmae.com.
