Walk-in COVID vaccination today with broader rules

Community Health Northwest Florida is holding a walk-invaccination clinic on Monday, March 8th from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Brownsville Community Center, 3200 W. DeSoto Street in Pensacola for all residents of Florida who qualify, including those covered under the Governor’s latest Executive orders.

Currently the amended order expands the groups eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Florida to include persons under 65 who are “medically vulnerable”, as well as individuals who hold specific jobs that put them at high risk. All participants will be required to show photo ID as well as proof of qualifying condition/job when they arrive.

Eligibility criteria for the Walk-In COVID event is:

· Persons 65 years of age and older;
· Adults 18 and older deemed medically vulnerable by a physician with the following:

  • Patients may have their doctor fill out a State of Florida “COVID Vulnerability Determination” form or bring a doctor’s note/prescription stating the condition that qualifies the patient or current prescription bottles of the medication that treats the pre-existing condition.
  •  If a current Community Health Northwest Florida patient and medically vulnerable, no form is required.

· All K-12 school employees, all ages; must show a badge from their school. (Current Executive Order does not include educators beyond K-12).
· Daycare workers; badge or paystub required as proof of employment in daycare setting.
· Case workers from Children’s Home Society and Lakeview/Families First Network.
· Long-term care facility residents and staff;
· Health care personnel with direct patient contact;
· Sworn law enforcement officers 50 years of age and older; and
· Firefighters 50 years of age and older.

Questions about COVID-19 Vaccine events is available by calling the Community Health COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Call Center at 850-439-3358.