Women in Technology : ‘Women in Aviation’ on July 20

Innovation Coast’s next Women in Technology event will feature a panel discussion with the theme of women in aviation.

The event is scheduled for 4-6 p.m. July 20 in the community room of the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, 40 S. Alcaniz St., and will include a discussion with Lee Hansen, Stephanie Oram and Christina Scott. Michelle Horton, director of the Pensacola State College South Santa Rosa Center, will moderate the discussion.

Hansen was the first naval flight officer to command Training Squadron Four and was the first woman to command an Air Wing in the Navy – Training Air Wing Six. Oram served 24 years in the Navy as a naval aviator. Scott served 21 years active duty as a Navy air-traffic controller.

“They represent women who have tackled the challenges of breaking through barriers to get to careers that are traditionally underrepresented by women,” said Horton, who is the chair of the Innovation Coast Women in Technology Committee.

“Their work experiences, although military and aviation related, are common to many women. We look forward to discussing topics such as the revolution of technology in aviation, persistence and driving your own career path, mentorship, and making an impact in a competitive environment.”

This event will include the opportunity to network with other women in the area who work in the technology field or have an interest in learning more about it. The networking portion of the event will be 4-5 p.m., and the panel discussion will begin immediately after.

“Our mission is to develop an alliance to advocate, advance and support women in technology,” Horton said. “Women who have held successful careers in the Navy is of particular interest in our military community. Lee, Stephanie and Chris have experienced exciting careers in the Navy, and their successes are impressive.”

Innovation Coast is an alliance of companies and institutions of higher learning in Northwest Florida that works to promote and grow technology and knowledge-based companies in the region.

Seating is limited. For more information or to RSVP, visit website.
