Municipal Official of the Year award named for Wu

Somehow the City of Pensacola’s Communications Department missed this. Jackson County Floridan reports that during the June 2015 Northwest Florida League of Cities board meeting, members voted unanimously to name the annual Municipal Official of the Year Award in honor of Dr. P.C. Wu, Council Member, City of Pensacola.

Dr. Wu has served the Northwest Florida League of Cities as the City of Pensacola Director for 10 years. He served as Legislative Chair in 2007 and moved up the executive committee ranks to serve as President of the NWFLC in 2009. The same year he also began serving as the Florida League of Cities District One Director. Dr. Wu ran for FLC 2nd Vice President with the support of the NWFLC in 2011. He won the statewide election and became FLC President in 2013. In 2014, Dr. Wu was selected to serve on the National League of Cities Board of Directors.