Phillip Levine on ‘Pensacola Speaks’ today at 5 p.m.

Miami Beach Mayor Phillip Levine and his Florida’s Living Rooms Bus Tour will in Pensacola this afternoon. Mayor Levine will also be my guest on “Pensacola Speaks” at 5:05 p.m. today.

A Democrat who served as the mayor of Miami Beach from 2013-2017, Levine is running for governor.

Notes for Wikipedia:

When he was first elected, he received 50.48% of the total vote in a four-person race. His campaign was also endorsed by former President Bill Clinton and U.S. Senator Bill Nelson. Levine ran on a platform of “Just Get It Done,” focusing on fixing street flooding and combating sea-level rise, cleaning up government corruption, reforming the police department and city finances, and placing a priority on customer service.

In 2015, Levine ran for re-election, and as he had done in 2013, Levine pledged to fund his own campaign, refusing money from special interests and limiting donations to $100 or less. He garnered over 65% of the total vote.

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Quint Studer will be my guest in the second half hour.
