90Works: Helping our veterans integrate into the community

By Sammi Sontag

90Works, a Pensacola based nonprofit organization, will now take on the work of the Panhandle Warrior Partnership program that closed earlier this year, thanks to a grant from America’s Warrior Partnership.

“When we knew we wanted to continue the program, we went to the community” said Cheree Tham, Director of Community Integration for America’s Warrior Partnership, “We asked them what they wanted and they chose 90Works.”

She told Inweekly, “We were confident giving the grant money to 90Works knowing they were endorsed by not only our organization, but by the community as well.”
90Works claims a 90 percent success rate in helping people become self-sufficient in 90 days.

The non-profit plans to use America’s Warrior Partnership’s Community Integration model to aid veterans who had relied on the Panhandle Warrior Partnership.

America’s Warrior Partnership model is structured to empower communities through training, mentorship and structure to conduct proactive outreach by connecting existing resources, according to Tham. The model is active in nine communities across the country and has served nearly 34,000 veterans in three years.

“We have been training and working with staff in the Florida Panhandle for a few months now,” she said in phone interview. “And there has been a lot of outreach and engagement within the community.”

90Works had been a part of the original Panhandle Warrior Partnership program. With the America’s Warrior Partnership, the non-profit aims to reach even more veterans in need through community events, meetings, networking and other means.

“90Works has been involved with the Panhandle Warrior Partnership for quite some time, and so they are very familiar with the program’s goals to help veterans,” Tham said.

90Works will also utilize America’s Warrior Partnership’s WarriorServe™, a secure information system that streamlines the collection and analysis of critical veteran information. The system provides a holistic solution for military veterans by offering a myriad of services in a community to meet their individual needs.

America’s Warrior Partnership is excited about the future of its services in Northwest Florida. The national organization is a strong force for the warrior community integration that enhances communities where veterans choose to live.

“It’s been a wonderful experience to watch the panhandle community embrace this program,” she said. “And we love having these leaders in the panhandle area and look forward to more community outreach and engagement.”

For more information on the organization and how to get involved, visit AmericasWarriorPartnership.org.
