Sink sees similarities between Trump and Scott [podcast]

Yesterday, I had former Florida CFO Alex Sink on News Talk 1370 WCOA’s “Pensacola Speaks.”

She predicted the next week’s Democratic National Convention will be very different that the GOP convention.

“You won’t be seeing protests on the convention floor, you won’t be hearing delegates complain that they’re not being listened to,” she said. “I think we’ll be doing a lot of Kumbaya. We’re all in this together, and more importantly we’re in it for the good of our country. We need Hillary Clinton as our next president.”

How will Clinton win over independent voters?

“I think she’ll win it because she has the experience and the history of fighting for families. She is very concerned about the middle-class families and talking about economic issues and supporting businesses,” said Sink.

“She’s somebody who’s a fighter. She’s been knocked down many times in her life and she knows how to get up and fight, and most importantly, she believes that our country is stronger when we work together.”

She said that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are dividing country.

“Every time I turn around he’s saying something that is totally offensive to a group of people in this country,” she said. “I’m very concerned about Donald Trump and his temperament and his ability to be making serious decisions when it comes to national security and domestic policy.”

Sink lost the 2010 governor’s race to Rick Scott, a wealthy political newcomer at the time. She sees similarities between Scott and Trump.

“The first thing is that they’re each trying to buy an election. Rick Scott put $75 million of his own money and had absolutely no experience in governing or government and I would argue, Rick, that to this day he still doesn’t understand what the job of being the Governor of Florida is really all about and Donald Trump came on the same way.”

She said that Trump does not have the background or the experience to be president.

“Many of the ideas that he’s presented, we don’t know that they’re even constitutional. They can’t even be implemented. They’re just throwing out ideas that they can’t implement and they’re leading people to believe that they can do things that they can’t accomplish for the American people.”

Who’s her pick to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate?

“I think I’m going with Tim Kaine. He’s the current U.S. Senator from Virginia, but Tim Kaine was formerly the Governor of Virginia. He also served a term as the chair of the Democratic National Committee, so he’s got governing experience, he’s a proven executive, he’s got political experience. He actually is a fluent Spanish speaker, and I think the Hispanic vote is going to be critical for our side in this election. I’m putting my bets on Tim Kaine and I think he would be a good match and a good partner for Hillary Clinton.”
