Florida Lottery sales set record in 2016

Florida Lottery sales hit a record $6.2 billion last year, according to the state agency. The total is up $411 million from 2015 and is expected to generate $1.6 billion for the state’s Educational Enhancement Trust Fund, the agency said in a news release. A total of $3.9 billion went to prizes.

“Ending 2016 with this never-before-reached sales record is a tremendous accomplishment for the Florida Lottery,” Lottery Secretary Tom Delacenserie said in a prepared statement.

The new sales numbers follow a Sun-Sentinel analysis last August that concluded the lottery’s push to increase scratch-off ticket revenue has resulted in sales of the instant games rising three times as fast in high-poverty areas as in other areas. Delacenserie was questioned last month during a Senate Regulated Industries Committee meeting about whether the lottery was targeting minority communities, but he dismissed the notion.

“Unequivocally, we do not target anyone,” Delacenserie replied. “We have an advertising budget. We use the same model that any consumer products company would use, whether that’s Colgate or P&G. What we do try to do is reach our demographics throughout the state.”

A proposal failed during the 2016 legislative session to scale back the number of scratch-off tickets from nearly 60 to 20, and to limit the most expensive single cards to $10.

–source: The News Service of Florida

Just in case you were wondering about most successful lottery numbers:

Winning Numbers
1 210 28 221
2 182 29 215
3 203 30 195
4 225 31 201
5 210 32 191
6 211 33 195
7 210 34 187
8 218 35 178
9 199 36 218
10 197 37 204
11 205 38 227
12 206 39 207
13 209 40 203
14 187 41 216
15 222 42 202
16 199 43 201
17 189 44 220
18 205 45 202
19 195 46 194
20 197 47 203
21 205 48 221
22 202 49 196
23 197 50 185
24 195 51 197
25 192 52 232
26 203 53 187
27 199
Total Drawings Since 10/24/99 1196