Pensacola Police Chief wants to keep his job

Pensacola Police Chief David Alexander told the Pensacola City Council last week he wants to keep his job past his DROP date in May.

At the end of his monthly report to the City Council at its Agenda Review on Jan. 9, Chief Alexander, the highest ranking African-American in Mayor Ashton Hayward’s administration and the city’s first black police chief, gave a long list of achievements during his eighteen months leading the police department. He brought up what he referred to as “some confusion” over his contract and “whether I knew what I signed when I became the chief of police.”

Alexander said, “Back when, in 2012, I entered into the DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program) program. I entered into the DROP program based on the information I had at that time. Now, had I known that I would be considered for the position of chief of police, that might have changed my decision to go into the DROP program.”

He said that he knew that when he was appointed chief that his contract to serve as police chief ended when he completed DROP, which is in May.

Councilman Larry Johnson asked the police chief what were his plans.

“Well, I would like to be able to continue what we have begun with the city,” said Chief Alexander. “I believe we’ve made a lot of accomplishments since I’ve been in the office, and there’s been a lot of concern from the public as to whether I would be willing to stay. And the answer is yes, I would be.”

He added, “So, I’d like to see the city grow. I’d like to see some of the problems that historically we’ve had to deal with be resolved, and that we’d be able to work together as a community to move forward. I intend to live in the city, and I would hope that my grandkids will be able to come and live in the city and enjoy the benefits of me working for the city for 30-plus years.”

Until last week, the City of Pensacola had a section on its “Transparent Pensacola” page regarding the Chief David Alexander’s DROP that stated that he would retire when he completed the program in May. That statement has been removed from the page.


2 thoughts on “Pensacola Police Chief wants to keep his job

  1. having read the contract… he SIGNED IT… now, he doesn’t like what he signed…. boo freakin’ hoo. actions have consequences! perhaps, this man should not be chief of police IF he so unable to comprehend documents that he signs.

  2. I repeatedly reported to Florida Officials and Pensacola Officials the many instances where City Officials appeared to commit illegal/criminal actions against me and my late husband. They have refused to stop the crimes against us and others. They seem to think of Pensacola as a Sanctuary City for Crime. The latest report I made was to Chief Alexander III in December, 2015.  He refused to investigate and refused to stop the illegal/criminal actions. Some excerpts follow: 

    “I reported to you, via email dated December 10, 2015, Subj: Illegal closing of our authorized business without due process, that a Pensacola Police Officer came on our property on March 19, 2005, without a warrant or any paperwork whatsoever and illegally closed our business down.  The United States Constitution, Amendment 5, requires due process in this situation.” Chief Alexander III refuses to lift the illegal prohibition on us operating our business as legally authorized. 
    “I reported to you that on Sep 9, 2010, it appears that Florida State Attorney, Mr. Bill Eddins, the Pensacola City Attorney, Mr. Wells, and Pensacola Community Development Department employee, Ms. Morris conferred and discussed the answer Mr. Wells was going to send to Mr. Ramage of the FDLE regarding my reporting to FDLE, again, the illegal closing of our small business, an art gallery/antique shop holding functions, on March 19, 2005. It appears that they decided to send false statements and false charges about us to FDLE instead of the real facts:  we were authorized many times (latest in 2000 and in 2001) to hold functions, we operated in compliance with all rules and regulations, we were illegally closed down without due process by the Pensacola Police Department on March 19, 2005, etc.  It appears the above individuals deliberately conspired to and, in fact, did lie to FDLE about us.” Chief Alexander III refuses to address corruption in Pensacola which is harming us.
    “I reported to you, via email dated December 10, 2015, Subj:  Violation of Florida Statutes, that Pensacola City Officials were violating Florida State Statute 112.313 regarding the appointment and reappointment of individuals to Pensacola Advisory Boards who have a conflict-of-interest.  I reported to you that illegal members committed perjury, according to Florida Law, in swearing that they were eligible to be members of these boards when they were not eligible.” City Officials illegally use the Land Development Code (LDC) instead of the authorized regulation, Florida Statute 553. Building Construction Standards, to force illegal building construction demands on us. The illegal Board Members and City Officials apparently conspire to commit illegal/criminal acts by pretending it’s the construction law. Florida Statutes demand that local enforcement officials enforce the official Building Construction Standards. Chief Alexander III refuses to stop City Officials from violating Florida Laws.
    Mayor Hayward and City Council members also ignore my reports of apparent illegal/criminal actions and pretend that Pensacola does not have a serious corruption problem.  The Escambia County Officials and Florida State Officials refuse to address and stop the corruption we are burdened with in Pensacola.  Even though the Florida Constitution appears to require County services for City dwellers when they pay County taxes, Sheriff Morgan refuses us law enforcement services. Sheriff Morgan came into Pensacola to campaign – asking us to vote for him.  Sheriff Morgan put up signs in Pensacola directing us to lock our car doors, but when we report a crime against us, Sheriff Morgan refuses to address the crime.  In the future, if a candidate refuses law services to Pensacola, we should refuse to vote for that candidate.  Sheriff Morgan and Chief Alexander III seem to be annoyed when we ask for their services and dump us – drowning in corruption. Their attitude appears to be “Shut up and leave me alone.”  We are then forced to try to handle the crime on our own, report it up the line of responsibility and hope for the best.  I have been scammed and defrauded out of at least $300,000.00 (I have the receipts) plus the historic artifacts stolen by Mr. Miller who did confess to stealing our property but the Pensacola Police Department allowed him to keep our property. 

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