ECUA set to begin Brownsville Sewer Expansion Project, Phase 1

ECUA is preparing to initiate Phase 1 of the Brownsville Sewer Expansion Project to provide sewer service to the East Brownsville area – see Brownsville Sewer Expansion Phase 1 MAP.

This $700,000-construction project is part of ECUA’s Sewer System Expansion Program, which aims to make public sewer service available to those communities where the continued use of septic tanks may pose a risk to public health or the environment. Engineering oversight will be provided by ECUA, with the construction of the sewer lines scheduled to begin within the next week. Phase 1 will take about seven months to complete.

The proposed sewer installation will occur within the rights-of-way of the streets shown on the attached map. There will be disruptions to normal traffic patterns during construction, but ECUA and the project’s contractor, Pensacola Concrete Construction Company, Inc., will make every effort to minimize those disruptions.

There may be detours required from time to time; however, access to residents’ properties will be maintained to the maximum extent possible. As with any large construction project, there will be noise, dust, rough pavement and heavy equipment operating in the area for the duration of the project. It is ECUA’s goal to complete the work as quickly as possible with minimal inconvenience.

For more information regarding this project, area residents may contact Ryan Carpenter, ECUA engineering inspector, at 969-6638.
