National civil rights groups asks Trump to fire staff with alt-right ties

On Aug. 16, The National Movement for Civil and Human Rights sent a letter to President Donald Trump demanding that “he give rise to moral leadership and issue a clear unequivocal position on civil rights and his personal opposition to white supremacist organization.” Among their recommendations was a request that President Trump fire all staff with connections with the alt-right movement.

The organization comprised of clergy and civil rights veterans fear the President’s comments about Charlottesville have emboldened the white supremacists.

“When we see leaders of white supremacist organizations and the white nationalist movement publicly thanking the President for his misguided statements concerning the murder of peach activist Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, Va. we cannot remain silent,” said Dexter Wimbish, General Counsel.

“The President’s words cast a dark shadow upon this great land and remind us that we must remain forever vigilant against the scourge of racism and hatred,” he added. “America is better than this.”

The National Movement for Civil and Human Rights recommended that President Trump submit a formal statement denouncing the support of white supremacists to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights; terminate all White House staff with ties to the Alt-Right movement; and fully fund the $9.183 million budget request of the Commission on Civil Rights.

In April 2004, then-President Ronald Reagan sent letter to Morris Abram, chairman of the commission regarding the Ku Klux Klan.

Reagan wrote, “Democrats and Republicans alike must be resolute in disassociating ourselves from any group or individual whose political philosophy consists only of racial or religious intolerance, whose arguments are supported only by intimidation or threats of violence.”

Read letter.
