Yikes, Frank White has 31K followers, many dubious

We have kicked an ant pile when we started to look at Twitter followers. State Rep. Frank White, who is running for Florida Attorney General, has a long list of dubious followers.

Here are just a few that I don’t care about the AG race:

신혜미 @hmx2116 ‏
김나경 @ejrtnrnd
Emine Kırım @EmineKrm4 ‏
Maja @maja_877 ‏
TingtingLiu @liu_machloe ‏
Sophia @sophiasilva1102
eyhenne tiana @tia_gasy31
vampire @vampiremalam ‏ ‏
Diary Hidupku @diaryhidupku_ ‏

Come on, guys. Clean this up.