Mayor Hayward announces tentative agreements with Fraternal Order of Police, gives no details

This afternoon, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced he had reached tentative agreements with the Police Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant bargaining units represented by the Fraternal Order of Police. He offered no details what was in the agreements or what were the next steps in the approval process. Inweekly has requested copies of the tentative agreements.

Hayward said in the written announcement, “As Mayor, I have always valued and prioritized our men and women in public safety. These agreements confirm my commitment to have the premier law enforcement agency in northwest Florida. Public safety will continue to remain a top priority of my administration.”

Oddly, Hayward quoted Police Chief Tommi Lyter thanking him for his continued support of the City’s Police Department. According to the mayor, Chief Lyter said, “Mayor Hayward, I appreciate your making the Pensacola Police Department and public safety a priority. By reaching tentative agreements with the Police bargaining units we can ensure we are able to continue to provide quality police service for our community.”

Usually a press release announces the news, has quotes from interested parties and maybe end with links to the documents that support the news. This didn’t.

The mayor listed his public safety accomplishments, including appointing the City’s first African American as Chief of Police and first female Fire Chief.

“Our City has been recognized as being one of the best places to live, work, play, and raise a family,” said Hayward, “One of the reasons for this recognition is due to the level of public safety service offered to our citizens. It is my hope that the next administration will continue my commitment to public safety.”

Here is the full release:

Hayward secures tentative agreements with Fraternal Order of Police

I am pleased to announce that the City has reached tentative agreements concerning future compensation and benefits with the Police Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant bargaining units represented by the Fraternal Order of Police.

As Mayor, I have always valued and prioritized our men and women in public safety. These agreements confirm my commitment to have the premier law enforcement agency in northwest Florida. Public safety will continue to remain a top priority of my administration. Police Chief Tommi Lyter, thanked me for my continued support of the City’s Police Department and said, “Mayor Hayward, I appreciate your making the Pensacola Police Department and public safety a priority. By reaching tentative agreements with the Police bargaining units we can ensure we are able to continue to provide quality police service for our community.”

I have been fortunate to have moved our City’s public safety departments forward to include always reaching agreements with all collective bargaining units throughout my tenure as Mayor. I have made many progressive and diverse advancements in the administration of our public safety departments to include appointing the City’s first African American as Chief of Police and first female Fire Chief. I am very proud of these achievements. Our City has been recognized as being one of the best places to live, work, play, and raise a family.

One of the reasons for this recognition is due to the level of public safety service offered to our citizens. It is my hope that the next administration will continue my commitment to public safety.

– Mayor Ashton Hayward

Compare the release to the one he issued on July 25, 2017 – which had more details and less puffery:

Hayward reaches agreement with Pensacola Professional Firefighters International Association of Firefighters, Local 707

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced today that he has reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year collective bargaining agreement with the Pensacola Professional Fire Fighters Local 707, representing the City of Pensacola’s Fire Department employees.

“Our public safety employees are one of our City’s strongest assets,” said Mayor Hayward. “These men and women put their lives on the line every day to protect our citizens. We owe it to them to ensure that they are paid fairly for the great work they do each and every day.”

The agreement includes an increase in the starting pay for newly hired Firefighters from 30,000 a year to 32,500 a year. In addition, Firefighters will each receive a 3% pay increase each year over the next three year period.

Since taking office, Hayward has continued to reach agreements with the City’s police, fire, and general employee unions while reforming public pensions.

The agreement was voted on and ratified by the full union membership. The contract will now be presented to the City Council for final approval.


3 thoughts on “Mayor Hayward announces tentative agreements with Fraternal Order of Police, gives no details

  1. Rick ask for minutes or the meetings. Guarantee you that there are no such minutes. All collective bargaining minutes are supported to be posted for public viewing. They will tell you that they have tapes. Even if you tape it there still should be written minutes.

  2. He put a band-aide on a crisis that he created. The Sergeants and Lieutenants did not need anything. The Captains got a recent raise because they are contract. So don’t pat yourself on the back just yet Mr Mayor. It will take years to undo the damage that you and our future Sheriff did to the PPD.

  3. First of all, patting yourself on the back for doing nothing to fix a problem that you created seven years ago is crazy. This whole fiasco could of been avoided. Remember when you and the future Sheriff were slashing positions, putting the men and women on “temporary” 12 hour shifts. Then a record number of people retired and no relief. Oh ,and then ,the hiring freeze. Remember? You, the Council, the PPD Captains, everyone got a raise. But not the Officers. They were hurting then and they are hurting now. Maybe Chip didn’t tell you . I know David did, but you didn’t care. You knew he would be gone as soon as his DROP was over. He was just an African-American vote for you. And, a Police Chief that kisses your ring is not a representative of us. Its going to take years to fix what you screwed up. Let the healing begin.

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