The rise of Dick Barker

Richard Barker did very well in the Hayward Administration, seeing his annual pay increase about $19K over the eight years.

When Hayward was campaigning for office in the summer of 2010, Barker was the city’s director of finance and two years away from retirement. He had entered DROP in 2007, and his annual pay was $120,640 in June 2010.

Once elected, Mayor Hayward promoted Barker to Chief Financial Officer and increased his salary to $131,518.

Instead of retiring, Mayor Hayward asked Barker to stay in 2012. He paid his CFO for 500 hours of Personal Time (PTO) – $31,615. Barker agreed to take a pay cut- $123.219.20 annually.

While he was in DROP, the city contributed $63,456 annually to his pension that he got as an inservice distribution in 2012–total distribution $317,280.

Barker’s salary has steadily increased since 2012. His current annual salary is $139,588.80.