Andrade named winner by Florida Politics

Every year, Florida Politics evaluates the legislative session after it adjourns and lists whom the website considers its winners and losers. This year, the site chose to do an all-winners version, and Pensacola State Rep. Alex Andrade made the list.

Points for the point man

Synopsis: “Rep. Alex Andrade, a freshman Republican, was the House point man for some of the highest-profile issues of Session: alimony reform, pharmacy benefit managers and transportation…Did all of his bills pass? No. But all of them were heard and had a fair shot, which is more than can be said for most… He’s one to watch and will likely be on the shortlist for House leadership in the coming years.”

2 thoughts on “Andrade named winner by Florida Politics

  1. Is this blog considered a campaign donation ?

    Who is Florida Politics? And why should we care what they say?

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