Bergosh’s zip code leads others in COVID cases

District 1 County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh has more COVID-19 cases in his home zip code (32526) than his fellow commissioners. It’s a good thing his employer requires him to wear a face mask at his job on NAS Pensacola. Bergosh has 403 total cases, 232 since June 30 – 135.7% increase.

However, the commissioner who has seen the largest percentage of new COVID cases in July is District 2’s Doug Underhill (32507). Underhill has 178 total cases, 105 since June 30 – 143.8% increase.

District 3:Lumon May has 241 total cases, 121 since June 30 – 100.8% increase.

District 4: Robert Bender has 311 total cases, 151 since June 30 – 94.4% increase.

District 5: Steven Barry has 168 total cases, 93 since June 30 – 124.0% increase.

The two zip codes with the most new cases are  32514 – UWF/Ferry Pass and 32503 East Hill/Bayou Texar (which is tied with Bergosh’s 32526).

The largest percentage jump is 32533 – Cantonment area.

Top 10 Zip Codes Ranked by New Cases in July

Rank Zip 30-Jun 11-Jul Increase %
1 32514 298 690 392 131.5%
2 32503 167 399 232 138.9%
3 32526 171 403 232 135.7% Bergosh
4 32505 135 333 198 146.7%
5 32533 110 286 176 160.0%
6 32506 104 258 154 148.1%
7 32504 160 311 151 94.4% Bender
8 32501 120 241 121 100.8% May
9 32507 73 178 105 143.8% Underhill
10 32534 75 168 93 124.0% Barry