Category: Jail
Escambia County releases jail report summary
County Attorney Alison Rogers has released a summary of attorney Mr. Fleming’s summary of findings related to his interviews with employees associated with the April…
There is a written report on jail blast, but we cannot see it
Yesterday afternoon, we were told that attorney Ed Fleming had delivered to County Attorney Alison Rogers a written report on his investigation of the April…
Weekend Buzz: Jail Given A Pass, Piedmont Report, Ala. Gambling Bag Man
DOJ Closes Book On The Jail Escambia County Attorney Allison Rogers learned last week that the Department of Justice has closed its investigation of the…
County Commission to be given two options for CBD replacement
David Wheeler, Escambia County’s facility director, will be making a presentation tomorrow to the Board of County Commissioners on options for replacing the Central Booking…
Christmas in August: Santa Rosa could get new patrol cars. Thank you, Escambia County
WEAR TV reports Santa Rosa County Sheriff Wendell Hall is planning some upgrades thanks to the influx of cash from Escambia County for housing the…
Prisoners get invoices for medical care after jail blast
Apparently Escambia County has not paid for the medical bills of inmates caught in the April 30 jail explosion. Prisoners who were treated for injuries…
Mother of Jail Victim 14 addresses County Commission
Here is the speech that Ms. Coburn read to the Board of County Commissioners during its open forum yesterday afternoon: Good afternoon my name is…
Agenda Review: Commissioners asked to be kept informed
The Escambia County commissioners asked this morning at their agenda review meeting to be better informed about the jail explosion and flood recovery activities. “The…
Breaking news: Jail medical director put on administrative leave
The Independent News learned yesterday that the medical director for the Escambia County Jail, David Benoit, was put on administrative leave. Commissioner Lumon May confirmed…
Expenditures associated with jail explosion exceed $13 million
Readers have pointed out other emergency purchase orders associated with the April 29 explosion at the county’s Central Booking and Detention Center. The purchases orders…
Jail Explosion costs county over $5.4 million in May alone
The emergency purchase orders resulting from the April 29 jail explosion have cost Escambia County to date: $5,435,054. Those does not include the cost of…
Main Jail without hot meals and laundry
My sources inside the Main Jail have shared how much more things have deteriorated in the Main Jail since Central Booking and Detention exploded on…
Escambia County Responds to Main Jail Gas Leak
Around 8:00 this morning, Thursday, May 29, a person preparing food in the kitchen of the Escambia County Main Jail, 2935 North L Street, detected…
County Road Camp is hell for those injured in jail blast
Commissioner Lumon May has been handling dozens of calls from the families – white and black – of those prisoners caught in the April 29…
Report of gas leak shuts down Escambia County Sheriff’s dispatch temporarily
We received a phone call that the Escambia County Sheriff’s Administration building was being evacuated tonight. I called Commission Chairman Lumon May and he had…