Newpoint administrator vows to fight terminations

The parents of students at the three charter schools run by Newpoint Education Partners received a letter, via email, yesterday from Carla Lovett, an officer…

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Newpoint allegations – what the records indicate

The School District, and Superintendent Malcolm Thomas personally, were notified of teachers being pressured to change the grades of seniors so the students would graduate….

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Newpoint: Superintendent and staff knew of grade tampering allegations a year ago

Despite earlier claims that district only recently learned of possible grade tampering at Newpoint High School, Superintendent Malcolm Thomas and his staff knew of the…

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PS today: Latest on Newpoint allegations

School Board member Jeff Bergosh will be on the show to discuss the latest information the allegations of grade tampering at Newpoint High School. Pensacola…

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Newpoint: Principal told teachers their jobs depended on graduate rate

Newpoint High School is under investigation after we reported in March that whistleblowers came forward with allegations of grade tampering. The school had weeks before…

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Newpoint investigation continues

The investigation of allegations of grade fixing at Newpoint High School could take weeks to complete, according to the Chief Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille….

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More accountability and oversight needed for charter schools

Ruth Melton, director of government relations for the Florida School Board Association, told Inweekly, “Every year, the state legislature takes a step forward in making…

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FDOE has offered help in Newpoint investigation

Inweekly contacted the Florida Department of Education about the allegations of grade tampering and inappropriate behavior by teachers at the Pensacola Newpoint High School and…

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PS Podcast: Bergosh talks about Newpoint allegations

The afternoon we broke the story of the allegations of grade tampering and mismanagement at Newpoint High School, I interviewed Escambia School Board member Jeff…

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Newport High: ‘School of Dorks’

A Newpoint High School parent described the school her child attends as a “School of Dorks.” The parent said, “They are computer geeks. These kids…

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Newpoint denies allegations, blames ‘disgruntled former employee’

Newpoint High School sent out a press release late this afternoon denying the allegations of grade tampering. The school said, “These allegations are baseless, unfounded…

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Deputy Superintendent Ross confirms Newpoint investigation, says it began two weeks ago

Escambia County Deputy Superintendent Norm Ross reported today that the district’s investigator – a former NCIS investigator – opened an investigation into Newpoint misconduct two…

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