High school grading formula is flawed

Florida Current reports former Education Commissioner John Winn told a higher education panel on last Thursday that a newly-enacted grading formula for high schools masks…

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Look for hogs at CMPA trough

The daily newspaper’s story on the cost overruns points out that the Community Maritime Park expenditures need to be investigated by independent auditors–without ties to…

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News site readers don’t care about comments

This month’s Ad Age/Ipsos Observer American Consumer Survey looked into the impact of comments and other engagement tools for news website. Sixty-three percent of the…

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Mayor asked council for budget requests in March

The impression one might have gotten from the Pensacola City Council workshops on the FY 2012 budget is that the council members had little or…

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Gulf Breeze celebrates 50 years

Last night, the City of Gulf Breeze celebrated its first 50 years as city. Past mayors, council members, city employees, business leaders and key volunteers…

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Dueling Budget Memos

Council President Maren Deweese sent to the Pensacola City Council her own memo on how she wants the remaining FY 2012 budget process to be…

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Will PNJ shrink even more?

The Cincinnati Enquirer, another Gannett-owned paper, announced this past week that it’s considering a dramatic reduction in print paper size. If it follows through, it…

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Ho-Hum: UWF study leads to another study

The UWF students, alumni and friends thought their president, Judy Bense, was going to announced a football program by 2013 or 2014. No, what they…

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Go Argos (video)

The University of West Florida’s latest student life video:

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Help for Clergy

Press Release: The Pensacola Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Peter Rubardt will accompany Beth Nielsen Chapman for a special concert on Thursday, November 17 at the…

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Viewpoint: All Pits are Monitored Equally

From Escambia County Commissioner Wilson Robertson: I would like to correct some errors and misleading statements in Jaime Page’s article in the August 12 story…

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Jackie Chan lives!

Rumors of the death of movie star Jackie Chan (‘Rush Hour’) resurfaced Tuesday night after someone made an “RIP Jackie Chan” Facebook page. The page…

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