Spencer Bibbs has amazing FCAT successes

At Spencer Bibbs, the third grade reading scores are up 69 percent since 2007, jumping the percentage of those scoring a three over above from…

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Feinberg coming next week

Gulf Coast Claims Facility head, Ken “Candy Man” Feinberg is coming January 18 to Orange Beach, Ala. for a town hall meeting that will be…

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Spencer-Bibbs on chopping block

At the school board workshop yesterday, Superintendent Malcolm Thomas brought the recommendation from the School Attendance Zone Advisory Committee to close Spencer Bibbs and divide…

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Unbelievable report from BP subcontractor

County staff reported today that the BP clean-up contractor is reporting that 99 percent of the workers on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key are residents…

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Distressed Pensacola apartments bought

J.I. Kislak (based in Miami area) has purchased Villas at Jasmine Creek, Villas at Jasmine Fields and all rental units from Villas at Jasmine Park,—totaling…

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Buzz: More laid off workers calling

The IN phones have been ringing off the hook about the BP clean up scandal. Laid off workers are claiming that they are being replaced…

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County Commission to address BP clean-up workers

Spoke with Commissioner Grover Robinson last yesterday afternoon. He said he has also heard from other locals laid off by the clean-up subcontractor Southern Cat…

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BP clean-up scandal

The subcontractors that are handling the clean-up on Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key are laying off Escambia County workers and replacing them with out-of-town workers…

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Coby to stay in same role

Progressive Pensacola is reporting: “Mr. Coby’s duties are mostly unchanged, according to a senior member of Mayor Hayward’s transition team. He doesn’t have a clear…

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Sen. Don Gaetz gives update

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Walton County TDC will file BP claim

WMBB TV reports following in the footsteps of Bay County’s Tourist Development Council, the Walton TDC is filing a claim against BP. Walton County has…

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Big Boy passed away today

For fans of the Walker Holmes series, Big Boy is the mixed chocolate Labrador that pushes Holmes to exercise in the morning, hates joggers and…

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