Maritime Park mismanaged, not by CMPA, but by City

The daily newspaper, Mayor Ashton Hayward and City Administrator Bill Reynolds want the public to believe the financial woes of the Maritime Park are solely…

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Council passes panhandling ordinance

By Brandy Volovecky The Pensacola City Council voted to approve an ordinance to the city code that would prohibit aggressive panhandling in downtown Pensacola at…

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Oliver’s final report recommends mayor take control of maritime park

The Independent News has gotten a copy of consultant Randy Oliver’s final report on the Community Maritime Park–the one that the mayor didn’t share with…

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Hayward announces he is running for a second term

Mayor Ashton Hayward used his press conference on Southwest Airlines to announce that he is running for a second term. According to the daily, Hayward…

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Hayward’s Common $ense

city press release: Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced this afternoon that Navy Federal Credit Union and Pen Air Federal Credit Union have signed on to…

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Viewpoint: At-Large Council Seats Do Not Equal Minority Representation

By: George Hawthorne, C.E.O., Diversity Program Advisors, Inc. The two types of City Council representation in Pensacola are at-large councilpersons, where the majority at the…

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Why does Pat Bainter care about House District 2?

Pat Bainter is a powerful political consultant that has pumped over the years millions into the campaigns of Republican lawmakers in the state through a…

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CMPA problem is process, not size

I wrote last month about the lack of a set process for the CMPA/City Council/Mayor to lease the parcels at Maritime Park. During the debate…

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Gunther says city and state ethics codes don’t apply to CMPA

Fred Gunther visited the Independent News and said that he believes that he did nothing wrong when he presented a competitive lease proposal for Parcel…

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More support to reduce Pensacola City Council

I was copied on this email to the Pensacola City Council: Dear Members of City Council, Due to scheduling conflicts, I will be unable to…

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Councilmen propose changes

Councilman Charles Bare is proposing several changes to the city’s park ordinance. The email from Councilman Bare: I am proposing to the parks ordinances for…

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Veterans Memorial Park Announcement

Earlier today, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward announced a new foundation to oversee Veterans Memorial Park. Here’s the city press release: Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward joined…

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