Historic moment for Pensacola neighborhood

Today Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward, joined by Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan and Councilmen John Jerralds and Brian Spencer, announced the demolition of the old…

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Additional request from Deweese: details on mayor’s office budget

Council President Maren Deweese sent an additional request to City Finance Director Dick Barker on Saturday morning, August 20: Follow up to Council’s request for…

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Hayward: ‘Tear down this school’

Press Release: Hayward Announces Plan to Demolish Old School – Sheriff Cites ‘Positive Change’ for Community – Fulfilling a campaign promise to crack down on…

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Gulf Power rate hike goes before board today

The Public Service Commission will consider today approving Gulf Power Co.’s interim rate hike request of $38.5 million. The request is part of a $93.5…

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Poll confirms Hayward popularity

Press release: According to a recent study conducted by Open Market Research, nearly 62% of likely voters have a favorable opinion of the manner in…

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Mayor Hayward attacks blight

Mayor Ashton Hayward wants to attack one of the biggest blights in Pensacola – W.A. Blount Junior High School. The building, which was in built…

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Pratt focuses on organizational chart, programs and policies

True to her analytical background, Council member Megan Pratt focused her city budget inquiries on the city’s organizational chart, programs and policies. They don’t appear…

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Myers proposes over $2 million in cuts, rollback to 2009 levels

Council member Sherri Myers has proposed $2.05 million in cuts to the FY 2012 City of Pensacola budget, according to an email that she sent…

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Look for hogs at CMPA trough

The daily newspaper’s story on the cost overruns points out that the Community Maritime Park expenditures need to be investigated by independent auditors–without ties to…

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News site readers don’t care about comments

This month’s Ad Age/Ipsos Observer American Consumer Survey looked into the impact of comments and other engagement tools for news website. Sixty-three percent of the…

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Mayor asked council for budget requests in March

The impression one might have gotten from the Pensacola City Council workshops on the FY 2012 budget is that the council members had little or…

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Dueling Budget Memos

Council President Maren Deweese sent to the Pensacola City Council her own memo on how she wants the remaining FY 2012 budget process to be…

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