Tallahassee Charter is longer

Opponents to the proposed charter appear to be upset that the new city charter is 21 pages….actually it’s 18 if don’t count the cover page…

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Important points about Tallahassee City Council

Tallahassee only has five council members, if you include the mayor. Pensacola has ten, including the mayor. The Tallahassee city council members are at-large, meaning…

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What was the charter commission charged to do?

Charles Fairchild has a new pet phrase to fight the charter: “Review, not redo.” The insinuation is that the Charter Review Commission overstepped its charge…

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Caton video

Here is the video of former City Attorney Don Caton addressing the Pensacola City Council on the charter proposal during open forum. … The Tallahassee…

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What is in the proposed charter? Article III

I will try to breakdown the various parts of the proposed charter. Article III – Elected Positions Sec. 3.01 Form of Government * Separates the…

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Caton blasted Fairchild in 2003

During the debate over the first development plan for the Trillium property (2002-2003) –which was a staff proposal, not from the private sector— City Attorney…

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PAC man wisdom

This quote is from another Viewpoint by Charlie Fairchild: “City Hall usually undertakes studies to provide the verification and justification of some heavily biased, expensive…

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Once upon a time…

There was a time that Charlie Fairchild, the new head of the PAC against the proposed charter, regularly attacked city government….He labeled it “City Hall”…

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PAC man is back

Charlie “PAC Man” Fairchild is back. His latest political action committee (PAC) will be the one opposing the proposed new city charter. Here is a…

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Caton upset with blog

A friend called last night to let me know that Don Caton wasn’t too happy with me and this blog for publishing his pension benefits….

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Construction at CMP

The site work has begun on the Community Maritime Park. Ed Spears sent me this photo. Here Ed points out what is on the site:…

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Protest today

By Sean Boone It started as a few dozen young adults outraged over the death of 17-year-old Victor Steen. But by the end of the…

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