Moby misses the mark

PNJ columnist Mark “Moby” O’Brien in his column today (Fire fee fallout: Property tax cut would hurt waterfront plans) misses the mark. I’m not sure…

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DCA says no, no, no to Perdido

The Florida Department of Community Affairs rejected the Escambia County Commission plan to raise the building caps on Perdido Key. Currently, a maximum 7,150 dwelling…

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Jubliee project doomed from the start

Last spring, the original investors of the huge housing development in the Pace area put on an expensive “grand opening” event in the Saenger Theater….

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Friday night fish fry buzz

Comments heard as I moved around Big Sexy Foods’ banquet area during a Fiesta of Five Flags Party: Pensacola City Council is crazy if they…

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Paul will not seek third term

Escambia Co. Superintendent of Schools Jim Paul is notifying his supporters that he will not seek a third term. Expect Ronnie Arnold, Alan Scott and…

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City Fireman pension nearly doubled in three years

Wonder where your city taxes have gone? Or why the city staff is pushing a $377 fire fee? Check out the fireman’s pension. In 2004,…

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Wiggins pre-files for city council

Well, it looks like Pensacola citizens will have an opportunity to keep things running the same. Another incumbent city councilman has pre-filed – Mike Wiggins….

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O’Brien: City needs another committee

PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien is pushing the idea of another citizens committee that will review City of Pensacola finances. So far city staff and the…

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Final AZ vote tally is 53

All the votes have been counted. My final total in the Arizona Republican Presidential Preference Primary is 53. I concede the primary to John McCain…

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Unified Fire Service delayed two more years

The delays and stall tactics continue. This time its at the county level with fire protection. Last June, a citizen task force advised the county…

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Tree ordinance being studied more

Remember that I’ve told you Pensacola doesn’t like to make tough decisions. The latest one is on a stricter tree ordinance (Tree Huggers vs. Developers…

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Grassroot Soccer

Avery Bullock and two of her fellow soccer team members/classmates, Stephanie Mamelson and Rachel Jones, are holding a 3 v. 3 soccer tournament on March…

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