Morning Joe at Fish House Thurs.

Join Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski at The Fish House for Morning Joe on MSNBC. Have breakfast while the show is broadcasting. The show starts…

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Find out more on candidates

There’s a new website on 2008 presidential races – It’s run by college students and was featured in the Washington Post ( For Young…

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Punk Houses in NY Times

Our Jan. 10 A&E feature Punk Houses is topic that has made into the NY Times and Tampa Tribune. Read: Punk Houses Defy All Things…

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Touart watching his nickels

Today’s PNJ has an article on the former County Administrator George Touart settling his hunting charges in Wisconsin. The story ends with a not too…

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McNesby settles Boggon lawsuit

We have received notice that Escambia County Sheriff Ron McNesby has reached an settlement with the estate of Robert Boggon. Boggon died in the jail…

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Bay County deals with landfills

Florida DEP is praising the Bay County commissioners for adopting ordinances to better regulate construction and debris landfills. Maybe the Escambia and Santa Rosa county…

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State colleges suffer under cuts

The state university system has lost $65.2-million for this budget year, thanks to emergency cuts made during the fall special session. Here’s a breakdown: *…

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Emails attacks Obama

There are two emails that are circulating around Pensacola that attack Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama. One declares that he is a closet Muslim…

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Florida’s Most Influential Blogs is ranked Florida’s Most Influential Blog by – moving up from #12 last week. The Pensacola area now has three blogs in the…

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Is Rudy coming to Pcola?

There is a persistent buzz that GOP presidential candidate Rudy Guiliani will be coming to Pensacola this week. No confirmation yet, but stay tuned. Meanwhile…

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IN Your Head Radio wrap-up

Another week of stellar guests on IN Your Head Radio. 1/7/08 Gerald Cilente -Trends Research Institute Talked about the coming Economic 9/11 and the spread…

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Report: Insurers fleece public

I love the St. Pete Times. Here is a report that it did on how the big insurance companies have ripped off their policyholders. The…

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