County sends out info on order

Gov. DeSantis Issues Safer at Home Order for Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-91 today, Wednesday, April 1, regarding essential services and essential activities during the COVID-19 emergency. The “safer at home” order goes into effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday, April 3 and expires on Monday, April 30, 2020, unless extended by subsequent order.

The order requires all persons in Florida to limit their movements and personal interactions outside of their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities.

Individuals within the county are expected to follow the Governor’s Executive Order 20-91. The Executive Order allows for essential activities, including going to the store to buy food, medicine and cleaning supplies, accessing health care and banking.

Executive Order 20-91 includes the following directives and information:

Safer At Home

  • Senior citizens and individuals with a significant underlying medical condition (such as chronic lung disease, moderate-to-severe asthma, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised status, cancer, diabetes, severe obesity, renal failure and liver disease) shall stay at home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
  • All persons in Florida shall limit their movements and personal interactions outside of their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities.

Essential Services

  • For purposes of this Order and the conduct it limits, “essential services” means and encompasses the list detailed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in its Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, v. 2 (March 28, 2020) and any subsequent lists published.
  • Essential services include, but are not limited to:
    • Healthcare/public health
    • Law enforcement, public safety and other first responders
    • Food and agriculture
    • Employees supporting the energy sector, including electricity, petroleum and natural gas industries
    • Water and wastewater
    • Transportation and logistics
    • Public works and infrastructure support services
    • Communications and information technology
    • Other community or government-based operations and essential functions
    • Critical manufacturing
    • Residential/shelter facilities and services
    • Hygiene products and services
    • View the full list of essential services and guidance here.
  • Essential services also include those businesses and activities designated by the governor’s Executive Order 20-89 which includes a list propounded by Miami-Dade County in multiple orders.
  • Other essential services may be added.
  • Nothing in this order prohibits individuals from working from home; indeed, the Order encourages individuals to work from home.
  • All businesses or organizations are encouraged to provide delivery, carry-out or curbside service outside of the business or organization, of orders placed online or via telephone, to the greatest extent practicable.

Essential Activities

  • For purposes of this Order and the conduct it limits, “essential activities” means and encompasses the following:
    • Attending religious services conducted in churches, synagogues and houses of worship
    • Participating in recreational activities such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, hunting, running, or swimming
    • Taking care of pets
    • Caring for or otherwise assisting a loved one or friend
  • Escambia County strongly encourages all essential activities follow social distancing guidelines.
  • Other essential activities may be added to this list.
  • A social gathering in a public space is not an essential activity. Groups of people greater than ten are not permitted to congregate in any public space.