Developer offers $16M to implement Village or Market plans for OLF-8

Hemmer Consulting LLC and 68 Ventures LLC made an offer to buy 400 acres of OLF-8 for $16 million, leaving only 80 acres for commerce park and 50 for public use. The developers have agreed to follow DPZ master plan approved by the Escambia County Commission.

In October, DPZ Codesign held its charrettes that presented four concepts, and 271 people ranked the options. The most popular, with 94 votes, was the Village Plan, a hybrid design that devoted 286 acres for open space or farms, 170 acres for multi-family and low-density residential, 72 acres for commerce park and nine acres for retail.

The Market Plan placed second with 78 votes. It earmarked 245 acres for residential, 182 acres for open space, 92 acres for the commerce park and 18 acres for retail.

The Commerce Park Plan received 51 votes and included 268 acres for open space, 233 acres for commerce park, 36 for retail and no residential.

The Greenway Plan received the fewest votes first place votes, 48. The site was divided into 200 acres for open space, 183 acres for residential, 125 acres commerce park and 18 acres for retail.

In order of plan performance, DPZ ranked the concepts: 1) Market Plan, 2) Village Plan, 3) Greenway and 4) Commerce Park

Based on how little the developer has left for the commerce park in its offer, it appears the developer wants that plan to be either the Village or Market option.

Read Non-binding Letter of Intent – OLF-8 (A4132431xA3759)

1-22-21 OLF8 Gross Revenue Analysis (A4132398xA3759)

LTR – 2021-01-26 – WJD to Escambia County Board of County Commissioners (A4132427xA3759)
