Rick's Blog

Escambia Children’s Trust meets tomorrow

Escambia Children’s Trust continues to do the bare minimum of keeping the public informed.

Below is the agenda. My comments are in red.

Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, at 9 a.m.
Ernie Lee Magaha Bldg., 221 Palafox Place

I. Call to Order (Tori Woods)

II. Roll Call (Alma Ellis)

III. Pledge of Allegiance (Commissioner May)

IV. Approval of Agenda (Tori Woods)

V. Approval of Minutes (Tori Woods): Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board approve the Minutes of the May 14, 2024, Regular Board Meeting, as presented.

VI. Treasurer’s Report (David Peaden)
Warren-Averitt Auditors Report (no findings)

The audit is eight months after the close of the fiscal year – an unusual time gap for most government audits.  Part of the delay may be the finding that the Trust owed the City and County CRA agencies – which is noted in the report.

The auditors wrote:  

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities and the general fund of the Trust as of September 30, 2023, and the respective changes in financial position for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Financial Report – Month Ending April 30, 2024

Recommendation: The Finance and Operations Committee recommends the filing of Financial Report – Month Ended April 30, 2024, as presented.

Financial reports show administrative expenses are at 15% of expenditures.

VII. Public Comments

VIII. Business
1. Programs
A. ELC – School Readiness Program Match (Lindsey Cannon)
Request: The Executive Director requests Board input and direction on this item.

ELC stands for Early Learning Coalition. No amount given. Last year, the Trust paid $238,875.

B. Healthy Schools Escambia ITB (Lindsey Cannon)
Recommendation: The Program Committee recommends the Executive Director issue the Healthy Schools Escambia ITB.

No information provided for the public to review. The Program Committee agenda only says: Draft of Healthy Schools Escambia RFP

C. ARC Gateway Help-Me-Grow Year 2 Contract Renewal 5
Recommendation: The Program Committee recommends approval Resolution 2024-07 for the Executive Director to enter into Year 2 Help-Me-Grow contract with ARC Gateway and to allow funding for services for 3 to 5-year-olds.

The requested amount is $1,314,452. ARC wants to expand its target age group (birth to three) to include children aged 4 and 5. It will now prepare children for kindergarten, which is outside the scope of the three-year award.

It requests a budget change of $68,485 to hire an additional Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist to cover the 3-5 age group.

Among the Help Me Grow’s subcontractors:

Children’s Home Society: Healthy Families/HMG Clinical Counselor $94,176
United Way – 2-1-1 Referrals: $35,880
Parent University:Program Director & Events: $41,915
Pensacola Pediatrics: Autism Diagnostic Clinic participation: $32,000

No data on the number of children helped in the first year.

D. Scope of Work Changes
1. Gulf Coast Freedom Schools (Lindsey Cannon)
Recommendation: The Program Committee recommends approval of Scope of Work changes as presented by Gulf Coast Freedom Schools.

The original scope included goals of providing emotional support for at-risk children and providing leadership training and mentorship for 60 college students –  FY 2022-2023. Those goals have been dropped – FY 2024-2025.

2. Chain Reaction (Lindsey Cannon)  Recommendation: The Program Committee recommends approval of Scope of Work changes as presented by Chain Reaction.

Budget reduced by $34,245 because of decrease in students served.

2. Operations (No report or update at this time.)

IX. Executive Director’s Report (Lindsey Cannon)

X. Legal Report (Meredith Bush, Esq.)

XI. Adjournment

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