Escambia has most new COVID-19 since Aug. 10

The Florida Department of Health reported Escambia County had 110 new cases yesterday – the most since Aug. 10. The positivity rate was 8.51% for Nov. 3.   For the first three days if November, the rate is 9.67%.  The rate for all of October was 3.7%.

The 15-24 age group accounted for 20 cases, while over 75 only accounted for 7.


2-Nov 3-Nov
Total 13804 13914 110
Florida 12398 12494 96
Non-FL 1406 1420 14
Hosp. 917 920 3
Deaths 273 273 0
LTC 1185 1189 4
Correct 909 909 0
Rate 11.24 8.51 -2.73