FHA gives COVID update

The Florida Hospital Association today provided the following update on COVID-19 in the state. Statewide data is derived from the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

HHS Statewide COVID-19 Update:
Current Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations: 11,515
Percent of Previous Peak (7/23/20): 113%
Total New COVID-19 Cases: 17,001
Inpatient Bed Utilization (all patients): 84%
Inpatient ICU Bed Utilization (adults): 86.5%

FHA Hospital Update:
The following information is being released by the Florida Hospital Association from a survey of hospitals completed Monday, August 2, 2021. This survey reflects responses from hospitals representing 82% of Florida’s acute care hospital beds.

COVID-19 hospitalized patients in ICU: 21%
COVID-19 hospitalized patients on ventilator: 13%
COVID-19 hospitalized patients transferred from nursing homes/long-term care: 2.7%
Hospitals expecting critical staffing shortage in next 7 days: 60%
Hospitals expanding patient care into non-care areas in next 7 days: 23%

“Current hospitalizations and the growth rate continue to be extremely troubling,” said Mary C. Mayhew, President and CEO, Florida Hospital Association. “But vaccines work! The fact that less than 3% of current hospitalizations arrived from nursing homes and long-term care facilities shows the state’s focus on vaccinating and protecting Florida’s seniors and most vulnerable has worked.”

The Florida Hospital Association will continue communicating with all Florida hospitals and state officials and provide additional updates as events warrant.