Mayor fails to include his bid for NBA affiliate on council agenda

Mayor Ashton Hayward has placed 26 items on the Pensacola City Council’s agenda for its August  regular meeting. He has included contract awards, public hearings, the firefighter’s collective bargaining agreement, land use changes and supplemental budget resolutions for bonds.

However, he did not include anything about his plans to bring to Pensacola a developmental league team affiliated with the NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans.

Mayor Hayward told the PNJ that he needs to submit his proposal by the end of the month. The Aug.10 meeting is the only regular council meeting, and maybe the only public city forum, before the deadline.

Awards – 2

  • Contract for Bid #17-032 Bayou Chico North Stormwater Outfall Treatment Enhancement
  • Pensacola Energy – Bid #17-028, Natural Gas Pipeline Construction East Of I-110

Public Hearings – 2

  • Annual Assessment Resolution Imposing Stormwater Service Assessments/ Approval Of Roll
  • Zoning Map Amendment & Future Land Use Amendment – 109 N. A Street

Quasi-Judical Hearings – 2

  • Final Subdivision Plat -Cottages At Eighth
  • Final Subdivision Plat – River Birch

Ordinances – 4

  • Proposed Ordinance No. 29-17 – Vacation of ROW at Commendencia Slip for Ferry Landing
  • Proposed Ordinance No. 32-17 – Request For Zoning Map Amendment – 109 N. A Street
  • Proposed Ordinance No. 33-17 – Request For Future Land Use Map Amendment – 109 N. A Street
  • Proposed Ordinance No. 34-17, Amendment To Section 10-4-19 – Schedule Of Gas Rates And Charges

Resolutions – 9

  • Supplemental Budget Resolution No. 17-26 – Appropriating Funding For The Fiscal Year 2017 And Fiscal Year 2018 Interest Payment On The Loan From The City’s Insurance Retention Fund To The Community Redevelopment Agency’s Eastside Tax Increment Financing District
  • Resolution No. 17-34 – Authorizing The Amended And Restated Interlocal Agreement Between The City Of Pensacola And The Community Redevelopment Agency.
  • Resolution No. 17-38 – Authorizing A Financing In The Principal Amount Of $4,082,000 To Finance Eligible Capital Projects In The Community Redevelopment Agency’s Westside Tax Increment Financing District
  • Supplemental Budget Resolution No. 17-39 – Appropriating Funding In Connection With The
    Westside Redevelopment Revenue Bond, Series 2017.
  • Supplemental Budget Resolution No. 17-40 – Federal Aviation Administration Grant Agreement -Demolition Services At Air Commerce Park
  • Resolution No. 17-41 – Imposing Stormwater Service Assessments And Approval Of 2017 Stormwater Assessment Roll
  • Resolution No. 17-43 – Authorizing A Financing In The Principal Amount Of $1,307,000 To Finance Eligible Capital Projects In The Community RedevelopmentAgency’s Eastside Tax Increment Financing District
  • Supplemental Budget Resolution No. 17-44 – Appropriating Funding In Connection With The
    Eastside Redevelopment Revenue Bond, Series 2017
  • Supplemental Budget Resolution No. 17-45 – Pensacola Energy – Award Of Bid #17-028

Firefighters – 2:

  • Pensacola Professional Firefighters Local 707 Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Firefighters’ Relief And Pension Plan Special Act

Other – 5

  • DIB Appointment
  • FY 2017-2018 Community Block Grant Action Plan
  • FAA Agreement Regarding Demolition Services
  • Disposition Of Surplus Property- 300 Block West Intendencia
  • Disposition Of Surplus Property – West Intendencia