National Memorial to Missing Children still ‘deplorable’

A year ago downtown business owner Clark Thompson fired off an email to Councilman Brian Spencer protesting the city’s neglect of the National Memorial to Missing Children on Bayfront Parkway. We had reporter Duwayne Escobedo investigate

Here are the photos Thompson took at the site:


Recently, Thompson fired off another email to Spencer. He wrote the ” site remains as deplorable as it was almost a year ago when it was brought to your attention, despite subsequent promises from the City staff to make repairs.”

Brian –
The overall condition of the National Memorial to Missing Children site remains as deplorable as it was almost a year ago when it was brought to your attention, despite subsequent promises from the City staff to make repairs. Since this site falls within in your city council district I am very surprised and disappointed by your lack of follow-up regarding the disgraceful neglect.

Since you are now running for Mayor it might behoove you to personally visit the site and see for yourself. Please be advised that I do not intend to stand by and allow this sorry state of affairs to continue. This memorial should be a sacred showpiece for our city instead of the trashy eyesore it has been allowed to become due to failure by the City of Pensacola to maintain it in good condition.

Bah humbug,
Clark Thompson