Official IP press release on explosion in Cantonment

On the evening of Jan. 22, International Paper Company (IP) experienced significant structural damage to the largest pulp digester as well as the power house at its Pensacola pulp and paper mill in Cantonment, Fla. No one at the mill was injured.

Response teams are working with local, state and federal agencies to provide information for those impacted. The incident released a mixture of wood fiber, water and pulping liquor into the surrounding community.

We have engaged contractors to develop and implement plans to clean up and dispose of the discharged material as quickly as possible. We are providing all necessary support and resources to our local community and residents as we work through the clean-up.

Our primary focus is on ensuring the health and safety of our employees, contractors and neighbors and on the clean-up of the affected areas and property.

Currently, the mill is not operating. We are assessing the extent of the damage to the mill, evaluating supply options and will be working closely with our customers to meet their needs.

2 thoughts on “Official IP press release on explosion in Cantonment

  1. For our readers, we contacted County Administrator Jack Brown who called both IP and Ms. Morgan to be sure she is helped.

  2. I live in the neighbor that is most effected by this wood fiber, water and black liquor explosion. I am also an retired (14year)employee. I thank God that there were no injuries. But I have not seen or heard from any representative from International Paper as to what to expect concerning our homes, automobiles or our street. I can’t speak for everyone but I am disable and can’t do manual labor nor an I afford to pay someone. So please let us know something.
    Thank you
    Janet Morgan
    3046 Woodbury Circle
    Cantonment, FL 32533

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