Southwest Greenway Grows

The newest section of the Southwest Greenway will open next week. This portion of the trail is located along the north bank of Jones Creek….

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Stafford to testify before Senate Ethics and Elections Committee

Escambia County Supervisor of Elections, David Stafford, past president of the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections, scheduled to testify next Monday before the…

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Neighboorhood Revitalization Grant

City of Pensacola press release:   Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward was on hand Wednesday as Wells Fargo awarded a $50,000 Priority Markets Initiative Grant to…

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Escambia tourism up 12 percent

Press Release: Tourism in Escambia County is presently setting all-time lodging revenue records for FY 2012-2013 to date, with lodging revenues generated in October and…

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Did Gov. Scott knowingly exaggerate Obamacare costs

The Miami Heralds’ Naked Politics Blog is reporting that Gov. Rick Scott may have knowingly overstated the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the…

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A Little Fuzzy in the Nebulas

Before authorizing the mayor to execute a $2 million Economic Development Transportation Project Fund Agreement between the city of Pensacola and the Florida Department of…

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Library Focus Groups

Escambia County press release: The West Florida Public Library System is looking for individuals interested in participating in focus groups to help shape the future…

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Rubio explains why he voted against fiscal cliff deal. Fails to mention because he wants to be prez

I got his email from U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL): Rick, The federal government has a spending problem. Simple math shows it to be the…

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The Price of Peace and Quiet

Hashing out the specifics of a possible noise ordinance, some members of the Escambia County Commission flinched upon hearing the $2,000-plus price tag for decibel…

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Hooper Visits DIB

The chairman of the now disbanded Mayor’s Urban Redevelopment Advisory Committee sat down with the Downtown Improvement Board this morning to discuss the committee’s recent…

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Must-see: 60 Minutes covers Times-Picayune tonight

Mor­ley Safer reports tonight on the New Orleans’ daily newspaper, Times-Picayune, reduc­ing its print version to three days a week. It should be good. –…

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Pick Your All-NYC basketball team

New York City has had some of the best high school basketball players in the nation. The NY Times lets you pick your all-star team….

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