Putnam: Absolutely no reason to worry about seafood

Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam held this morning at The Atlas Oyster Bar a roundtable discussion with community leaders. Putnam had just finished an appearance…

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Opponents speak out against proposed election changes

Press release: A massive rewrite of Florida’s elections laws to be debated today in the Florida House of Representatives is drawing harsh criticism from nonpartisan…

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Missing Papa Bear

In May 2010, I visited Eunice, La., hometown of Blair Manuel, a contractor that died on the Deepwater Horizon explosion. This little town in the…

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Somebody misses online poker

Dear Editor, The US Department of Justice showed their true colors last week, and the colors are not red, white and blue. The US Attorney…

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GCCF brags about its ‘success’

Press Release: Gulf Coast Claims Facility Releases Report on Status of Claims Process On Eve of One Year Anniversary of Deepwater Horizon Oil Explosion. With…

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School Board needs independent investigation

It’s becoming clear that the Escambia County School Board needs to do an independent investigation into the reporting of crime and violence in the schools…

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BP lawsuit deadline April 20

There hasn’t been much in the news about this. Wednesday, April 20 is the deadline to for filing a claim against Transocean. Filing the short…

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Conversation with mother of sexually assaulted Tate student

The mother of the 14-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted last month in a reading class at Tate High School called me Sunday night. She…

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BP reneges on $15 million pledge to restore La. oyster beds

In its full page ads, BP touts its commitment to cleaning up its oil disaster and that they are “working to live up to our…

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Buzz: Battle over interim city attorney

Mayor Ashton Hayward wants to hire the Messer Law Firm as the interim city attorney for $10K per month. Jim Messer is a former assistant…

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GOP governors and lawmakers cut environmental protections

NY Times: Maine Gov. Paul LePage wants to open up three million acres of the North Woods for development. Florida Gov. Rick Scott has proposed…

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Pensacola City Council agenda out

The Pensacola City Council has two nominations for its Pension Board: UWF Economics professor Richard Hawkins and former City Attorney Rusty Wells. Former GM of…

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