5,605 watch Naturals in new ballpark

Under clear skies (51 degrees), 5,605 fans watched the Northwest Ark. Naturals lose a heart breaker, 3-1, to San Antonio. Baseball, new stadium, family fun…..what…

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Mobile won’t lose tanker deal

Mobile Press Register reports: Boeing Co. is unlikely to overturn the U.S. Air Force tanker contract awarded to Northrop Grumman Corp., a leading defense analyst…

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Biodiesel plant coming to Santa Rosa

Santa Rosa Press Gazette reports Santa Rosa County could be producing biodiesel fuel by the end of the year. Agri-Source Fuels Inc., one of 12…

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Naturals win 11-4

Before a crowd 6,022 fans under cloudy skies (53 degrees), the Northwest Ark. Naturals beat San Antonio, 11-4. The Naturals are playing just their second…

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Notes: CMPA board meeting 4.11.08

April 11 Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees meeting notes: Bentina Terry was appointed to the CMPA board this afternoon. Terry, a fairly new…

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Notes: Pensacola City Council 4.10.08

April 10 City Council meeting notes: Thursday night’s City Council meeting didn’t last 20 minutes, partly because four committees, such as Neighborhood Services and Enterprise…

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gulf1 campaigns for Miller

Just got another email blast from gulf1.com – even though I have unsubscribed about two dozen times – this one touts VP Dick Cheney’s visit….

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Notes: BCC meeting 4.10.08

Committee of the Whole Workshop Board of County Commissioners 10 April 2008 9 a.m. All commissioners were present. Escambia County Muzzleloaders Update “There are just…

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More on LuTimothy May

The nominee packet issue for the CMPA Board of Trustees did not have the full bio on Rev. LuTimothy May. Here it is: A native…

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West FL RPC gets $1mil from EPA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is awarding four communities in Florida with $2.2 million in brownfields grants to help revitalize former industrial and commercial…

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Notes: Council Committee meetings 4.07

April 7 Committee of the Whole meeting notes: In talks about the Penny for Progress capital projects list, and the creation and possible closure of…

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More Pensacola Exodus

Since I wrote the Outtakes on Pensacola Exodus, I’ve received a steady stream of emails on young people that have become discouraged about their futures…

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