Blackburn responds on Van Camp

Escambia County Sheriff Sgt. Rex Blackburn is a regular letter writer to the PNJ. His letters always defend his boss and protest how Sheriff McNesby…

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More Swiftboating in Florida elections

  Remember the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth – the “independent” politcal group that attack Sen. John Kerry’s military service during the 2004 presidential election? Well,…

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Did Save Our City tackle the wrong issue?

For over 18 months, Save Our City had the City of Pensacola and most of Escambia and Santa Rosa counties embroiled in a debate over…

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When did it start to go wrong for the Dems?

In 1992, Texas Gov. Ann Richards was the Democratic poster child. She was out-spoken and fearless. Many liberals saw her as the first female presidential…

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Interview with David Morgan

IN Editor Duwayne Escobedo and I just finished a lunch interview with Republican candidate for Escambia County Sheriff – David Morgan. It almost didn’t happen…

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Congressman wants to gut Payday amendment

Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY), is trying to gut the amendment to the military bill that would limit the interest rates military personnel can be charged…

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Inside EDEC: Melton told to sit down, shut up

RB Buzz: The newly formed Black Caucus attended last week’s meeting of the Escambia Democratic Executive Committee and let chairman Ron Melton know how angry…

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County attorney may be in trouble

RB Buzz: When the new county commission takes office, County Attorney Janet Lander may be placed on the hot seat. At least two commissioners are…

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Gore: No more payroll taxes

Al “An Inconvenient Truth” Gore has come up with a unique tax method that may boost employment and help the environment. At speech yesterday at…

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Damn, Ron Melton. There is a Black Caucus

Remember when right before the Sept. 5th primary, the chairman of the Escambia County Democratic Executive Committee sent out a press release warning voters about…

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New Commissioner will focus on jobs

The Escambia County Commissioner for District 2, Gene Valentino, was elected primarily because he offered the voters a solid platform. Economic Development and Jobs were…

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Christian review of Jesus Camp

 Phil Boatwright of has reviewed the documentary Jesus Camp. Boatwright is the editor and film reviewer for The Movie Reporter, a monthly film guide…

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