Partial data from FDOH on COVID

The Florida Department of Health still hasn’t released its county reports, but we pulled these stats off the DOH Dashboard. Escambia County had 73 new cases and two new deaths. Santa Rosa  had 43 new cases and two additional deaths reported



as of Sept 1 8/30/20 8/31/20 Increase
Total Cases       623,471              631,040           7,569
Fla Residents       616,629              624,116           7,487
Deaths         11,187                11,374              187
Escambia         11,183                11,256                73
Fla Residents         10,181                10,247                66
Deaths              186                     188                  2
Hospitalizations              746                     752                  6
Santa Rosa           4,671                  4,714                43
Fla Residents           4,629                  4,671                42
Deaths                55                       57                  2
Hospitalizations              266                     272                  6