PNJ endorsement of Nobles catching heat

From opponent Diane Mack:

Dear friends and supporters,

The News Journal’s endorsement this morning of Jack Nobles defies reason and understanding–but that’s the News Journal for you! Not only does the editorial board ignore his 14-year record on council, but they are entirely out of touch with voter sentiment.

Because so many voters I’ve spoken with are strongly desirous of seeing Mr. Nobles retired, the good news about the endorsement is that it should make these voters more determined than ever to make that happen.

You can help strengthen the determination and resolve of the anti-incumbent and pro-Diane Mack constituency in two ways:

(1) Write a letter to the editor as soon as possible. The quickest way is to go to and use the email form the paper provides. I’ve provided some “talking points” below that you are welcome to use.

(2) Affirm your support for my candidacy by email to all of your friends and colleagues who are city residents.

It is well to remember that the News Journal endorsement resulted from the majority opinion of merely five people, two of whom are themselves long-time incumbents at the paper.

So let’s make this lemon into lemonade! We the people and we the city deserve better than what some would have us settle for.

Thank you for all your support and hard work–you make all the difference!

Onward to success,


From Mayor candidate Christopher Lewis:

To All:
I hope I get elected mayor but it’s more important that Diane gets elected to the council.

I decided to run for council to backup her and Sam. I only got involved in the mayor race when Mike Wiggins fled there to what he thought was going to be incumbent sanctuary.

Diane needs to get elected. She’ll strike terror in the hearts of the city staff content to tax us all to death, show the council how to spend it all, and then go home to their Gulf Breeze Proper or Pace homes. The council and staff are the reasons our business are leaving or struggling and our residents our fleeing.

Jack Nobles has weak support even in his own extended family. I ran into a relative of his on Thursday who referred to Jack (his own kin) as “shiftless.” He said that no one in his part of the (Nobles) family was voting for Jack and he asked my recommendation. I told him, “Diane Mack.” He said he’d tell the others (the rest of the Nobles clan). I also got a call from someone Friday saying he and his neighbors had all gotten together to discuss the election and all 70 households were voting for me. I drove over to see him and Mack signs. I’m guessing they’re all also voting for Diane too.

Everywhere I go people ask me about Diane and say they have or will vote for her.
S/F, CJ Lewis


From Richard Hawkins:

In the October 19th edition of the Pensacola News Journal, I was surprised to see an endorsement for Jack Nobles. I believe there is a much, much better choice for Pensacola.

Over the past few months, I have gotten to know Diane Mack and I am really impressed with this candidate. As the organizer of the Pensacola Budget Study Group, Diane knows where city budget reform is needed and she will be a great steward of our money.

But there are two more fundamental reasons to vote for Diane Mack. First, she does not show disdain for people who do not share her opinions. Second, she won’t play dirty political tricks such as mailing letters with baseless allegations at District 3 challengers. The 2008 editors need to remember behavior that the 2004 editors found disgusting and they need to encourage city residents to vote for Diane Mack.

Richard R. Hawkins
