Police advisory town hall tonight

The Citizens Police Advisory Committee is seeking community input on various topics involving relationships between the community and the Pensacola Police Department. The CPAC members will host two town hall meetings to provide an opportunity for Pensacola residents to share their thoughts:

  • Thursday, Feb. 4 at 6 p.m., Fricker Community Center, 900 N. F St. 
  • Thursday, Feb. 18 at 6 p.m., Bayview Community Center, 2001 E. Lloyd St.
Members of the public may attend the meeting in person; however, there will be limited seating capacity. Consistent with CDC guidelines, attendees will be required to sit at least 6 feet apart and to wear face coverings that cover their nose and mouth.

The public is encouraged to participate in these meetings and let their voices be heard while engaging with their Citizens Police Advisory Committee.

Due to capacity limitations related to COVID-19, in person attendees are asked to RSVP using the online form. Please do not email RSVP responses.

The public will also have the option to participate in the meeting virtually via Facebook live on Mayor Grover Robinson’s page.

The public is also invited to submit comments and questions using the online form provided on the City of Pensacola website. Please do not submit comments via email.
