Poll: Zimmerman leads Democratic primary race, large undecided

According to an Inweekly/Political Matrix poll of 538 likely Democrat voters in the 1st Congressional District, Jennifer Zimmerman has a slight edge over Phil Ehr, with over two-thirds either needing more information or undecided with regards to the Democratic primary in August.

If the election were held today, Zimmerman would receive 19 percent of the vote with Ehr taking 12.3 percent. Sixty-eight percent has yet make up its mind. Across the district, Zimmerman has the strongest lead of 22.7 percent in Okaloosa County. That is compared to 16.5% for Ehr in Okaloosa, also his strongest region of support.

Ehr qualified to be placed on the ballot last week. Zimmerman has until noon May 4 to do so.

The cross tabs for this study are age, county and gender. The persons sampled were likely voters of the primary election cycles. They were called using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and were called during the hours of 2-8 p.m. between April 13-16. The phone numbers called were provided by the State of Florida Division of Elections. The margin of error for this study is +/- 3% with a confidence level of 95 percent.

See Democrat Congressional Primary Still to Early to See.
