Port users endorse Taylor for City Council

pelican:fisherman at port 1:5
The Mark Taylor Campaign sent out a press release last week announcing that the Port of Pensacola Users Association has endorsed Mark Taylor for City Council District 6. His opponent is incumbent Brian Spencer.

“As one of the leaders of the Port of Pensacola Users Association I am happy to announce our support and endorsement of Mark Taylor for City Council District 6. The port is a huge economic engine for Pensacola and the surrounding area and Mark understands this and will make the right decisions for our community.” Tom McCulley, Chairman of PPUA announced.

Buddy McCormick, PPUA member and the vice president of Offshore Inland, serves on the Community Maritime Park Board of Trustees with Taylor.

“Mark is pro jobs and pro economic diversity. He is a young man with fresh ideas that we so desperately need on city council. His character is above reproach. He is a great Christian family man that will have the blue collar workers’ best interest at heart,” McCormick said.
