Sean Harris video

When Sean Harris was hit by an SUV on the night of May 15, 2017, the driver pulled over and began to video the scene on his phone. Through a public record request of Florida Highway Patrol, Harris’ mother, Dawn Bybee, obtained the video.

Bybee, a registered nurse, pointed out several irregularities on how EMS paramedics handled her son in an email to Joe Scialdone, the EMS Billing Manager.

  • The paramedics didn’t provide airway management or C-spine precautions.
  • “Never did someone open an airway, provide oxygen, as your policies call for”
  • “or provide spinal immobilization when rolled from a prone position.”
  • “He was lifted by his belt loops and under his arms onto the stretcher.”
  • “A ‘high impact Auto vs. Pedestrian” motor vehicle accident calls for a back board per Escambia County Medical Protocols.”

Because of these issues, Bybee refused pay the portion of the EMS bill that Geico didn’t cover until someone looked at the video. She wrote, “I am not paying for care that was not received. “

Scialdone responded that the mother wasn’t liable for the bill.

Bybee shared a copy she made of the video – taken from her phone taping a replay of the FHP video.