Studers donate 8 acres to county for fieldhouse

The Escambia Board of County Commissioners will vote tonight whether to accept Quint and Rishy Studer’s donation of a portion of land, approximately eight acres, located at 401 West Government St, formerly known as the Escambia County Utilities Authority Main Street Treatment Plant. The donation is based on the contingency that the land will be used to construct field house for indoor events and sports, such as volleyball, basketball and indoor soccer. and that will be available to area residents and their families..

The exact location and amount of land would be decided upon at a later date as the project and process progresses, according to the staff recommendation. Staff wrote,”Based on very preliminary renderings we have seen to date, we anticipate such land to comprise approximately 8 acres, understanding it may be less, or slightly more acreage, and may share parking, storm water, and utility easements with adjacent lands and developments of Donor.”
