Posted in Pensacola

Breaking news: City wins Bayview Park Cross appeal

On remand from the Supreme Court of the United States, the Eleventh Circuit ruled that the Pensacola Bayview Cross “does not offend the Constitution…the cross’s…

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Posted in Pensacola

U.S. Supreme Court rejects fast-tracking Bayview Cross case

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a request from the city of Pensacola to speed up consideration of a case about the removal of…

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Posted in Pensacola

Mayor Hayward to appeal Bayview Cross ruling

From the City of Pensacola: The Mayor and City of Pensacola, Florida, today will ask a federal court to protect a cross memorial that has…

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Posted in Pensacola Politics

City voters want Mayor Hayward to appeal Bayview Cross ruling

The majority of Pensacola voters would like Mayor Ashton Hayward to appeal Judge Roger Vinson’s ruling that the Bayview Cross was unconstitutional and needed to…

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Posted in Pensacola

Petition to keep Bayview Cross already has over 8,200 signatures

A petition to keep the Bayview Cross and express displeasure with Judge Roger Vinson’s ruling that the cross is unconstitutional has been placed on…

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Posted in Pensacola

Mayor Hayward spent over $80K battling Bayview Cross lawsuit

Thanks to several public record requests, Inweekly obtained Beggs & Lane’s invoices from June 2016 through April 2017 for its charges to defend the Bayview…

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